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Malika Singla, Class of 2022

Malika is in her fourth year of her Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in accounting. She is the founder of the Desi Student Association and is the recipient of the bronze medal for the ICBC (Inter-Collegiate Business Competition) in the Accounting stream. She has been involved in various clubs and societies such as Ontario Tech Accounting Association (OTAA), Peer Leader, and Peer Tutor.

Malika's Leadership at Ontario Tech

I have had experience as an executive member in OTAA, peer leader, peer tutor and have been pretty involved in various clubs and societies. In my third year, I founded a new club named "Desi Student Association" for all the students to showcase their cultures on a common platform.

Work Experience

I have work experience in payroll under the finance department. I have been working since 2020. My previous roles and responsibilities are available on LinkedIn. I took part in various case competitions in my university life and continue to do so. Each one had been very beneficial in learning something new. However, one of the most outstanding achievements was owning a bronze medal at ICBC in the Accounting stream.

Malika’s Advice

Attend events and network. Networking is the key. Everyone said networking is vital to success in my first year, but I realized the importance only after seeing it. You can reach out to me anytime for any networking tips or tricks.

Contact Malika

Feel free to contact Malika on Linkedin or through email. She loves to talk to people and is happy to help with anything!

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